Energy Publishing Ltd is publisher / owner of
Finding Petroleum, Digital Energy Journal, Carbon Capture Journal and Tanker
director Karl Jeffery jeffery@d-e-j.com
Accounts Jana Bardsley-Smith jana@fuenp.com
Finance admin support Farah Ribbens
Company registration number 06866765
VAT number 190 6195 94
Future Energy Publishing helps individuals and companies develop better business models.
Tanker Operator: a better business model for quality (safer and more effective) tanker operations leads to a business model for selling quality related products and services in tanker operations
Carbon Capture Journal: a business model for carbon capture leads to a business model selling carbon capture related services into the industry
Carbon Capture Journal Red Hydrocarbon: a business model for low carbon investment based on better legislation, drives investment in low carbon technologies
Digital Energy Journal: a business model for implementing digital / data management technology in upstream oil and gas (subsurface, drilling, production) leads to a business model for selling digital technology to oil companies
Finding Petroleum technology: a business model for technology within oil companies leads to a business model for selling technology to oil companies
Finding Petroleum exploration: a business model for oil companies to explore around the world leads to a business model selling exploration related services
Finding Petroleum expertise: a business model for oil company staff to develop their own expertise leads to a business model for selling expertise related services (training, workshops, coaching)
Finding Petroleum offshore operations: a business model for better offshore developments and operations leads to a business model for selling related services
Future Energy Publishing
North Road, London, N7 9DP, UK